





Biomechanical Characteristics of the One-Finger Zen Push Method Applied at the Fengchi Acupoint in Traditional Chinese Tuina Therapy

1.Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine,Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;2.Faculty of Health Sciences,University of Ottawa,Ottawa,Canada;3.Institute of Tuina,Shanghai Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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    [1]目的 风池穴在临床常用于治疗颈椎病、头痛头晕等疾病,一指禅推法在此穴的定点操作疗效显著,但其安全施力条件尚缺乏系统的力学量化研究,文章旨在系统研究一指禅推法在风池穴定点操作下不同施力条件下的生物力学特性,以提供精准量化数据,支持推拿临床实践与教学的科学发展,推动中医推拿技术的现代化传承与应用。方法 招募10名具有高级职称的推拿医师,应用德国Novel Pliance-X 32 Expert手套动态压力分布测量系统,记录操作者在风池穴定点执行一指禅推法时,轻、中、重三种施力强度下的3 min力学参数。数据分析选取力学输出稳定的中段1 min数据,重点评估最大压力、平均压力、峰值压强、平均压强、压力-时间积分(Force-time Integral, FTI)、压强-时间积分(Pressure-time Integral, PTI)及操作频率等关键力学指标。结果 在轻、中、重三种施力条件下,10名高级职称推拿医师在风池穴定点操作的一指禅推法的最大压力均值分别为6.31 N、9.45 N和18.27 N,平均压力均值分别为3.31 N、5.64 N和9.05 N;峰值压强均值为26.10 kPa、34.80 kPa和70.00 kPa,平均压强均值为11.95 kPa、21.00 kPa和26.15 kPa;FTI均值为55.65 N*s、182.10 N*s和225.21 N*s;PTI均值为167.10 kPa*s、489.59 kPa*s和795.83 kPa*s;操作频率均值分别为156.00次/min、150.60次/min和154.80次/min。结论 操作组在轻、中、重三种手法的自我界定和客观测量力学参数之间表现出较高的一致性,反映了操作者在不同施力条件下对手法力度的精确掌控,验证了该手法在实际应用中的可操作性与可重复性,为量化研究和制定规范化临床操作标准提供可靠依据。


    Objective: The Fengchi acupoint is commonly used in clinical practice for treating cervical spondylosis, headaches, and dizziness. The One-Finger Zen Push Method applied to this acupoint has demonstrated significant therapeutic effects. However, there is a lack of systematic biomechanical studies quantifying the safe force application conditions. This study aims to systematically investigate the biomechanical characteristics of the One-Finger Zen Push Method at the Fengchi acupoint under varying force conditions, providing precise quantitative data to support the scientific development of Tuina clinical practice and teaching, and to promote the modernization and application of traditional Chinese massage techniques. Methods: Ten Tuina practitioners with senior professional titles were recruited. The German Novel Pliance-X 32 Expert dynamic pressure distribution measurement system was employed to record the mechanical parameters during the execution of the One-Finger Zen Push Method at the Fengchi acupoint under three force intensities: light, medium, and heavy, for 3 minutes each. Data analysis focused on the stable 1-minute segment of the mechanical output, evaluating key mechanical indices such as maximum force, mean force, peak pressure, mean pressure, Force-Time Integral (FTI), Pressure-Time Integral (PTI), and operational frequency. Results: Under light, medium, and heavy force conditions, the mean maximum forces applied by the ten senior practitioners at the Fengchi acupoint were 6.31 N, 9.45 N, and 18.27 N, respectively; the mean forces were 3.31 N, 5.64 N, and 9.05 N, respectively. The mean peak pressures were 26.10 kPa, 34.80 kPa, and 70.00 kPa, while the mean pressures were 11.95 kPa, 21.00 kPa, and 26.15 kPa, respectively. The mean FTIs were 55.65 N*s, 182.10 N*s, and 225.21 N*s, and the mean PTIs were 167.10 kPa*s, 489.59 kPa*s, and 795.83 kPa*s, respectively. The mean operational frequencies were 156.00 times/min, 150.60 times/min, and 154.80 times/min, respectively. Conclusion: The practitioners exhibited a high degree of consistency between their subjective definitions of light, medium, and heavy force and the objectively measured mechanical parameters. This reflects the practitioners" precise control over the applied force under different conditions, validating the method"s practicality and reproducibility in clinical settings. These findings provide a reliable basis for quantitative research and the development of standardized clinical practice guidelines.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-08-30
  • 最后修改日期:2024-09-06
  • 录用日期:2024-09-10
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