Abstract:Objective Delivery of oxygen in tissues is limited in the space where oxygen must diffuse between the vascular and the surrounding tissues. Normal capillaries are relatively straight and well spaced, in contrast, the tumor vascular networks usually display more irregularity and the vessel wall shows higher permeability and less elasticity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of capillary elasticity and tortuosity on the oxygen distribution and make further investigation on the mechanism of the formation of hypoxic regions in tumor. Method One-dimensional capillary model was coupled with the oxygen diffusion model. Oxygen transport was investigated in a Krogh and tortuous tissue model. The capillary geometry was obtained by the one-dimensional model and transferred to the tissue model. Finite element method was employed in the analysis. Result The capillary radii along the flow direction under pressures were obtained for different initial radii and the oxygen distribution in the Krogh cylinder tissue model and the model with a tortuous capillary were computed. Conclusions when the capillary radius is small, the effect of vessel elasticity may have not significant effect on the oxygen distribution. However, with the capillary radius increasing, the effect on the oxygen transport becomes obvious. Moreover, with the tortuosity of the capillary increasing, the oxygen distribution becomes more heterogeneous, which is in agreement with the result in available reference. This work will be helpful to the investigation of oxygen transport within tumor.